In July 2023, the Board Approved a three-year strategic plan that sets forth our vision for the future, and provides a series of strategies and goals for improving the rider experiences, system safety, financial capacity, supporting employee engagement, and increasing awareness of our services and value in the community.
The new strategic plan outlines key objectives and initiatives that align with our mission and vision. Through collaborative efforts and a focus on excellence, we aim to achieve the following:
Deliver service excellence by providing customer-focused, high-quality service to every member of our community.
Ensure safety and security while caring for the well-being of employees, passengers, and the general public.
Increase and provide responsible stewardship of all resources prioritizing oversight, integrity, accountability, and transparency.
Cultivate a positive and inclusive work culture that prioritizes employee engagement, high performance, learning and development.
Increase public awareness, expand community presence, and build a transit-supportive region through public education, partnerships, and advocacy.
This new strategic direction represents the collective efforts of our team, stakeholders, and the valuable feedback received. By working together, we look forward to achieving our shared vision for a better-connected and sustainable future.
The plan was approved by the Board of Directors. You can read the complete plan here.